A Task Force Answers A Prayer

A recent news report of a task force that President Trump is assembling should grab the attention of christians. World News reported, “President Donald Trump on [February 6, 2025] ordered U.S. Attorney General Pamela Bondi to lead an effort to eliminate what he called antiChristian bias in the federal government. The order came just hours after Trump promised during the National Prayer Breakfast that he would take steps to protect religious freedom and eliminate anti-Christian discrimination.”
What brought this about? The report continues, “In his executive order, Trump accused the federal government under the Biden administration of unfairly targeting Christian pro-life advocates for prosecution and labeling Catholic churches as possible sources of domestic terrorism. He also accused the Biden administration officials of failing to properly investigate and prosecute attacks on hundreds of pro-life clinics and trying to force Christians to affirm pro-LGBT ideology in violation of their religious beliefs.”
This is very encouraging.  Our president is taking action to secure our freedom to live out our faith. But will action take place? Or is this just theory and mere words to grab headlines? The report says, “Besides Bondi, other officials ordered to serve on that task force include the secretaries of state, homeland security, treasury, defense, labor, education, and health and human services. The agency heads will review the activities of all executive branch agencies during former President Joe Biden’s time in office, according to the order. The force will then identify which agency actions unfairly targeted Christians and take action to correct those missteps. The agency heads will also gather public comments about laws or government practices that have unfairly affected Christians and will work to identify and rectify those practices. The task force will work with the White House on federal laws or rules that must be changed to better protect Christians. The task force will remain in existence for two years, Trump said.”
This is very encouraging indeed. I would even say this is an answer to a very specific biblical prayer. We are told in 1 Timothy chapter 2 to pray for our leaders, especially in government: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, [2] for kings and all who are in high positions…” (1 Timothy 2:1-2a) And why are we told to do this? For the very reason that this task force is being implemented: for us to live out our faith freely. “... that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (1 Timothy 2:2b)
We are supposed to pray for those that lead over us in every aspect of our lives, especially the government, so that we can walk with the Lord without any outside hindrance. This was not always the case in the last administration, who targeted people for what they believed in. In fact President Trump pardoned a number of people who were wrongfully prosecuted for their held biblical beliefs. Now we see that this was only the beginning. That the administration is going to “clean house” and implement what is needed for this to not happen again. Reading this we should praise God! For he has sent us a leader that, while not always aligning with our beliefs, is willing to let us live out salvation without the government's interference.
But this by no way means we should stop praying! There are still other government leaders that oppose christianity. Our state is one that is led by very ungodly people. Let us continue to cry out to God for our leaders. For the ungodly to be dealt with or to be saved. And for the godly to remain strong and committed to the way of faith. Continue to pray that our christian walk will not be hindered by any other forms of government or leadership in our lives. We may have gotten a prayer answered, but that doesnt mean the praying stops.
Nor does it mean that we can just sit back in comfort and confidence. For we know all too well that the enemy will not stop. He is still at work. Nothing that the president does will make the opposing forces quit. The opposition will still attack in other ways. He is the most cunning and crafty of all that has been created. He is very sneaky and seductive. There is still a war on for the souls of men and women around us. We still need to be all  the more vigilant! We still need to die to ourself, kill off sin by the spirit,  put on the full armor of God, do good works for the glory of God and evangelize. Lets not have one minor victory relax our stance. Lets not have a winning battle make us forget the whole war. There is still work to be done. The war is not over. Do not set down your shield or sword. But keep pressing on till He calls us home from the battlefield.

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