The Dysphoria Dilemma

A recent study came out that showed British children are fifty times more confused about their gender than ever before. Just think about that statement alone. We are living in a time where people can’t even tell their gender. World News reported, “The number of British children confused about their gender grew roughly 50 times larger between 2011 and 2021, per a recent study. The research, published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood, showed that in 2011 only about 190 kids in the United Kingdom experienced gender dysphoria. By 2021 that number had skyrocketed to around 10,290.”  That is a significant number! To think there are over ten thousand kids that are confused about what their gender is!
But should we be surprised? Up until about ten years ago or so we didn’t even teach kids that they could choose their gender! Now this is a common practice in many schools, especially in Britain. Our constant bombardment in the media, books and classrooms about transgenderism has thrust our children into a state of confusion. And why not? Something that used to be so common, so simple, so natural, so easily understood, so permanent is now something that has to be studied, analyzed, changed, suppressed, altered and driven by emotion. Children, born with the mental capacity to understand gender and its differences, are now being taught that this is all wrong. Consequently we are reinforcing to our children that they can not trust their basic instincts. We are thrusting upon them that everything that is sensical is actually not. What they can logically process is being erased with lies. As Paul rightly said in Romans; we have exchanged the truth for a lie, and now our kids are suffering for it. Gender is not even something that involves religion, philosophy or politics. It used to be accepted as something natural you were born with. It was understood as biological. It was never questioned. It was as certain as the law of gravity. And decades ago, if someone wanted to delve into this type of thinking, it was addressed as a mental illness away from the view of children.
But we believe differently now. We don’t care about natural law. We don’t care about what is basic and logical. Now we care about our feelings. If it feels good, then it must be right. And because that is what I feel, you can’t tell me I'm wrong. No one is allowed to tell anyone how to feel, even if the feelings are to the detriment of others. For the most part people only believe something is wrong if it causes physical harm. And the results of believing this way shows. For the unhinged philosophies of our day are destroying the psyche of our kids and no one cares. Our children are being mentally harmed by the mentally deranged and we are silent. We are afraid to offend the man in the dress and so our kids are being mentally tortured. And if someone happens to care, their answer is we need more of what brought us here. More transgenderism. More pills, more operations, more indoctrination, more confusion. More liberal laws and policies that don’t restrict anything we feel like doing. And because that is our only answer, our children are suffering from adults not acting like adults.
As christians we must take a step back and realize the damaging effects of sin on a society. Sin has more than just physical consequences. There are financial, emotional, spiritual, and in this case mental, repercussions to our sinful lifestyles. Ideas have consequences. And the illogical relativism of our society that we indoctrinate our kids with has mentally damaged them. We may think that believing a certain way may not do any harm, but the study stated that: “Just slightly over half of all the children experiencing confusion about their gender also struggled with anxiety, depression, and self-harming behaviors, the study said.” These are the consequences of our sinful actions. Then we are emotionally bribed by being told we don’t love people who want to live this way. We then give into our emotions of guilt, instead of standing for the truth. We fall for the bait and switch game of semantics that they play. And now our next generation will be more mentally unstable than the previous one. We need to come back to a sensible understanding and express the truth in love. Ideas have consequences. The results of this study should be of no surprise to us. We need to stand up for the truth and protect the innocent from these dangerous ideologies.

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