Posts with the category “theology”

We're Basically Good
June 6th, 2024
Pope Francis did a rare thing this past week. Hardly ever does a pope do a sit down interview on TV. He usually meets the press in a public press conference type of manner. Yet this past Sunday, he di...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Christ Is King
April 9th, 2024
“Christ is king” was a trending topic on social media over the last couple of weeks. But it wasn’t for the right reasons. It appears that many are using the phrase as a way of making fun of Jewish peo...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
They Said What?
March 8th, 2024
If you are a Christian long enough, it will eventually happen to you. I remember when it first happened to me. It was Philip Yancy. I was puzzled. Shocked. Confused. He had said something in a book ab...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
The Religion of Paganism?
January 25th, 2024
Something happened this past week that has never happened in the 25 year history of the Scottish parliament. It was a historic day according to Sky News which reported, “Reverend Linda Haggerstone del...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Is Repentance A Big Deal?
January 10th, 2024
A recent article in Premiere Christianity piqued my interest in regards to repentance and salvation. Jayne Ozanne, who was a long standing member of the Church of England's General Synod and is chair ...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Worship The Computers!
July 9th, 2023
Back in May, two writers filmed a discussion on artificial intelligence (AI) in Lisbon, Portugal. One of the writers was Yuval Noah Harari, an Israeli author, professor and advisor to the influential ...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Communion Or Lord's Supper?
June 11th, 2022
I remember sitting in the back of the classroom. There were two other students with me at the table. It was the third grade at Our Lady of Pompeii. We three were the outliers of the class. The teacher...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
The Purpose Of Church
January 4th, 2022
 On Sunday December 19 the First Baptist Church of Dallas had a Christmas celebration during their service. According to Pastor Robert Jeffress, “The focus of the music and message this Sunday will be...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Theology Matters
September 5th, 2021
It is hard to avoid the news surrounding the United States withdrawal from the country of Afghanistan. What was supposed to be a methodical and uneventful transition of U.S. forces to the Afghan milit...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Did You Hear From God? Part 2
February 18th, 2021
In my last article I had shown that the Bible is the main source that we turn to ,to hear from God. We do not rely on dreams, prophecies, “open doors”, the peaceful feeling inside etc. Now there is th...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Did You Hear From God?
February 11th, 2021
I sometimes get asked what I think about dreams or visions. Do they mean anything? Is God trying to tell us something through them? How do we interpret them? Or what about prophesying? Can people prop...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
The Inauguration
February 2nd, 2021
This past week President Joe Biden was sworn into office. The oath he took was 35 words long. He placed his left hand on the Bible, raised his right hand and swore, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) th...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
The Chinese Bible
January 25th, 2021
There was a report in the National Review back in October about the Chinese government creating its own translation of the Christian Bible. Cameron Hilditch reported, “Earlier this year, we learned of...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Worship Is A Weakness?
January 12th, 2021
Recently Relevant Magazine interviewed Pastor Rick Warren about Covid-19 and the church. In the interview Warren said that the pandemic has revealed a big problem in the church...we focus too much on ...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Happy Reformation Day
November 1st, 2020
October 31, 1517. A German Agustinian Monk walked to All Saints Church in Wittenberg, Germany. The monk had a hammer, nails and a scroll in his hands as he approached the large wooden doors. Unrolling...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Kenneth Copeland Cures Corona
March 20th, 2020
Televangelist Kenneth Copeland made the news this week in connection with the coronavirus outbreak. According to several news sources Copeland claimed to heal all of his followers through the TV. News...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Comfort From 1 John
February 16th, 2020
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)This verse is a beautiful, comforting and assuring promise from God. To a...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
The Religion of Vegan
January 17th, 2020
In a landmark case, a UK court ruled that Veganism is to now be viewed as a religion. With this ruling, those claiming to be vegans will receive the same protections and benefits as any other religion...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
January 16th, 2020
Avoidance is something that happens often in our life. We see the pile of dishes and keep walking. There are emails that have to be addressed but we don’t bother logging into our account. Our spouse w...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Walking Securely
January 16th, 2020
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.  - Proverbs 10:9One thing our society has a strong thirst for is security. we are always looking to be s...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Was Jesus A Refugee?
December 19th, 2019
A church in California has made headlines with their outdoor nativity scene. CNN reports, “A California church is displaying a nativity scene depicting Jesus, Mary and Joseph as refugees in cages to d...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Confessing To Plants
October 1st, 2019
What if I were to tell you that we are to confess our sins to plants? That all the wrong we do to our environment needs to be atoned for and we must confess these things to nature? You may not think ...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
When It Seems Impossible
August 22nd, 2019
The last two articles I wrote have focused on Joshua Harris falling away from the faith. Last week I laid out how scripture teaches it is impossible for someone to lose their faith. This leads to many...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Can We Lose Our Salvation
August 21st, 2019
As I mentioned in my last article, there have been many scenarios where it appears that someone has lost their salvation. Joshua Harris is one of many over the course of church history who have done g...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
A Psychic Minister?
June 7th, 2019
The Christian Post recently reported that The Vision Church in Atlanta, GA has added a psychic medium to their staff. Lakara Foster claims to commune to the dead for the staff of the church. The artic...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Uncontrollable Addiction
May 16th, 2019
Drug addiction and subsequent deaths due to those addictions are on the rise worldwide. A recent article in the Associated Press reported, “According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preven...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
The Wrong View Of Easter
April 24th, 2019
This past week there was an opinion article on about the meaning of Easter. The author is Jay Parini and is a college professor at Middlebury College. He states that Easter is not about Jesus’...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Can Christians Be United?
February 6th, 2019
A recent article from Christian Post reports that, “Churches worldwide are planning to observe the annual “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” starting on Friday to promote ecumenical practices. First...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
A Human Epidemic
January 14th, 2019
A recent article from an internal medicine website has cited a new health epidemic that has swept our country.  MD Linx reports, “The newest epidemic in America now affects up to 47% of adults—double ...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Is It Humane To Let Kids Kill Themselves?
October 26th, 2018
Multiple outlets are reporting that Canada is considering expanding their euthanasia practices to including children. That is not even the shocking part of the reports. In the proposal it wants the de...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
There Is No Such Thing As Race
September 15th, 2018
A recent article in National Geographic stated that there is no such thing as race. The title of the article is There Is No Scientific Basis for Race-It’s A Made Up Label. The article goes into detail...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
A Lie Is Not A Lie
September 4th, 2018
The news has been buzzing around the Ohio State University’s football team the past couple of weeks. Head coach Urban Meyer was under investigation for not reporting an assistant coach to the complian...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
They Love Jesus But Not The Church
August 16th, 2018
A new Pew Research study revealed some interesting information about our society’s view of church. According to the study 70% of people view themselves as religious but do not go to church. An article...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Planned Parenthood's New Ad
August 8th, 2018
A new AD campaign was released by Planned Parenthood in NYC. It is using vulgar language and the temptation of boundless sex to raise money for itself. The campaign is called “Freedom to (expletive)”....  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow