The Religion of Paganism?
Something happened this past week that has never happened in the 25 year history of the Scottish parliament. It was a historic day according to Sky News which reported, “Reverend Linda Haggerstone delivered the Time for Reflection on Tuesday - the first pagan address in the Scottish parliament. Rev Haggerstone, national interfaith officer at the Scottish Pagan Federation, thanked the chamber for the invite.
She said: "By the power of star and stone, by the power of the land within and without, by all that is fair and free, I welcome you today to this Time for Reflection."
She said: "By the power of star and stone, by the power of the land within and without, by all that is fair and free, I welcome you today to this Time for Reflection."

Courtesy of Sky News
What is interesting about this is that she actually identifies as a “pagan”. This term is often a throwaway word to refer to a sinner. The Bible generally defines a pagan as someone that practices religion other than following God. For example: “No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons.” (1 Corinthians 10:20) or “You know that when you were pagans you were led astray to mute idols, however you were led.” (1 Corinthians 12:2) But this reverend is using the term in a very different meaning. She stated, “I view paganism as a tapestry woven with threads of many different lens, textures and hues.Modern paganism's greatest benefit, and its biggest challenge, is its diversity in both belief and practice.” She describes it as a, “beautifully messy tapestry of spiritual paths. I view paganism as a tapestry woven with threads of many different lens, textures and hues.”

Once again we see others redefining terms to give something a more acceptable appearance. But no matter the beautiful illustrations the reverend here gives, her definition still fits the biblical one: paganism is worshiping something other than God. She specifically declared that she is a druid, which is just a vague term as pagan. But looking at her statements she appears to worship creation as opposed to the creator.
What is the point? Before paganism had a negative connotation that was outside the norms of worshiping God. It was something despised, avoided, warned about and not always publicly practiced. Now we have here the promoting and parading around of it as if it was a badge of honor. They are trying to make it an acceptable form of worship that is invited by the rest of society. It is losing its stigma and getting a new set of clothes. Clothes that are very dressy and honorable. Linda even said in her speech, “Paganism is an umbrella term which has evolved over time from a slur that still lingers in the world today. And is often met with discrimination and scorn to one covering a beautifully messy tapestry of spiritual paths.” But no matter how dressed up they make it, it is still hellish at the core.

Rev. Linda Haggerstone
Now some of you may just roll your eyes at this pagan and say “Oh please.” but that would be a mistake. Let us look at what is happening and the context that it is happening in. This is another example of the thought process of the modern world. A philosophy that tries to change the accepted norms or presuppositions and also wanting to politicize everything. Here we have an ordained minister attempting to redefine paganism. Attempting to change the accepted view point that has been around for centuries. Then on top of this, she is making it a political issue. How? Well, where is this happening? In parliament. At the hub, the center of politics in Scotland. And her attempts to change the view of paganism and politicize it is working. Otherwise she wouldn't have been invited! These politicians invited her! This wasn’t some protest outside the building. This wasn’t a town hall where citizens could speak freely to the elected officials. This wasn’t her writing to her elected official complaining about equal rights for pagans. No, she was invited to speak before all of those that are responsible for ruling over the Scottish people. Where now paganism is no longer your father’s paganism.
Posted in Apologetics, Christian Worldview, Theology
Posted in pagan, paganism, world religions, apologetics
Posted in pagan, paganism, world religions, apologetics
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