Posts with the tag “christian-life”

Did Mom Have It Wrong?
June 12th, 2024
We all had the same instruction. When you were a toddler you struggled through understanding right and wrong. And you were always told to never lie. To be honest and tell the truth. So you would. You ...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
It Beggs The Question
March 19th, 2024
Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of talk surrounding Pastor Alistair Begg. If you haven’t heard, he was recorded on a podcast saying that he counseled one of his parishioners to attend a h...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
They Said What?
March 8th, 2024
If you are a Christian long enough, it will eventually happen to you. I remember when it first happened to me. It was Philip Yancy. I was puzzled. Shocked. Confused. He had said something in a book ab...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Oh...I Guess I Was Wrong
March 2nd, 2024
There was an interesting encounter that happened in Israel’s history that we can learn a lot from in our day. In Joshua, we have the record of the great Jewish leader leading Israel into their promise...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
The Times Be Changing
February 5th, 2024
Two news stories caught my eye that came out this week. One was of a man charged with a hate crime and the other was of some protestors possibly facing up to 11 years in prison. The man accused with a...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Garden Talk
January 30th, 2024
In the movie Hunt For Red October, a Soviet submarine shoots a torpedo at the October to destroy it. Shawn Conery in some shrewd tactics sped up and drove right into the torpedo that was headed toward...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Is Repentance A Big Deal?
January 10th, 2024
A recent article in Premiere Christianity piqued my interest in regards to repentance and salvation. Jayne Ozanne, who was a long standing member of the Church of England's General Synod and is chair ...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Going Mad
December 11th, 2023
What do you think of when you hear someone has gone mad? Or somebody is crazy? You probably think of someone that is not in their right state of mind. A person who doesn’t have control of their facult...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
You May Be On The Wrong Bus
November 30th, 2023
As Christians we have a lot of things to focus on and do on a consistent basis. We must read our bibles, pray, serve, give and worship to just  name a few. But when was the last time you examined your...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Success Syndrome
August 27th, 2023
What do you view as success? When something is “successful” what comes to mind? It usually has to do with one of two things; achievements or something quantitative.  A successful season for a sports t...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Late For Breakfast
August 9th, 2023
Republican Senator Nancy Mace made headlines a few weeks ago when she was attending the state’s annual prayer breakfast. She was running late for the event put on by senator Tim Scott. But her being l...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Encouragement On Reading Your Bible
January 11th, 2023
It is usually this time of year that people think about starting new and fresh. New Year’s brings about a feeling of starting over. Whether it is life goals, getting healthier or working on your relat...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Angry Pizza
March 5th, 2022
I could smell it as I was driving down the road. The cheese! The pepperoni! And the banana peppers! I could see it in my mind. How picture perfect it would look!! The cheese melted. The crust is the r...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Film Session
February 12th, 2022
What kind of films do you like? Action, drama, horror, romance, comedy? We all like various film styles for various reasons. My favorite film style is noir. No, that is not a misspelling. My favorite...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Thoughts On 9/11
September 13th, 2021
It is one of those events that you will never forget if you were alive when it happened. My parents talked about the day Kennedy was assassinated. Grandparents talked about the day Japan attacked Pear...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
In Closing
August 26th, 2021
 A number of years ago I was challenged to end our morning services differently than how I was doing it. We always closed with a prayer and then a hymn. But there still has to be something more. It is...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow
Keep Watch!
June 8th, 2021
Ever look up and see people looking down? No matter what they are doing or where they are going, they are in this permanent bent neck position always looking downward. With everyone and their kid sis...  Read More
by Clint Fingerlow